Help us improve elderly life

We believe in a multi-discretionary approach to impact the daily lives of our older adults across the world, fostering a sense of community and support.

The Foundation

The Threestones Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to improve any elderly care workable sector, promoting socio-medical research, supporting charitable infrastructure or geriatric institutions, and investing on impactful initiatives and innovative projects in relation to senior generations.


We want to change elderly care for ever supporting structural and research changes globally. We want to raise hopes and build reassurance. Longevity is something to look forward to, against a feeling of loneliness and abandonment.

Get Involved

Brick by brick, the awareness of the long-lived importance role in society has never been stronger than today. With your support, we can make breakthroughs and make a whole generation happier and stronger when needing assistance.
Our community

Ways to Donate & think about a future full of light

From a small one time gift to a recurring monthly contribution, your donation can change the third generation quality of life.